Cesare Attolini suits are brought to us from master tailors in Italy. The finest fabrics are used exclusively from the private mills of the Attolini family.
This company has been around since 1930 and although the creator of the company is now deceased, the company has stayed within the family.
Attention to detail is very high making these suits similar to what you might find from Kiton and Brioni. All suits are hand stitched with handpicked detailing. Look for slightly wider lapels and slimmer waists.
Also, many people have said that the shoulders on these suits are less padded then some of their peers. I haven’t noticed this, but I personally haven’t worn any Attolini suits, so I can’t say for certain.
Just something that thin shouldered men might want to take into consideration when buying this suit.
Attolini Suits – Examples
This is a picture of a navy blue 3 button suit jacket by Attolini. It is paired up with a navy blue tie and a blue shirt. The white dots on the tie match the white pocket square in the breast pocket.
The look is clean and appropriate, but it can be a bit boring to some. When I see this picture I tend to think of an accounting firm. That is of course if the accounting firm allows their employees to wear anything but white shirts.
Materials used range from heavy to light wools, with cotton, and linen thrown into the mix. The wide range of materials used provides for a nice diverse line.
This means you can buy from this designer to satisfy both your winter and summer suits.
Look for classic and contemporary colors. Some resourcefulness will be needed to find some of the trendier colors in stock.
However, if you’re just looking for something trendy to wear out on the town, you probably shouldn’t be looking into getting this brand at all.
This brand is more of a “stand the test of time”, type of brand. Buy this suit and you’ll be in style both now and fifty years from now. Treated right, it may even last that long.
Retail price will run somewhere in the neighborhood of $5,000.00. Look to realistically pay between $1,000 – $3,000.
This suit is a nice alternative to some of the more popular hand stitched suits on the market. It has a nice long history of quality and style and is definitely a safe buy for your money.